Even the most optimistic proponents of ics believe that major innovations will be required to reach the ultimate operating limit of the silicon transistor : a length for functional features around 10 nanometers ( nm ) , or about 30 atoms long 即使是最乐观的ic拥护者也认为,得有重要的创新,才能达到矽电晶体操作的最小尺寸极限:接近10奈米的图案,或是差不多30个原子的长度。
The second harmonic produced by a q - switched nd : yag laser with wavelength e = 532 nanometers ( nm ) , pulse width 0 nanoseconds ( ns ) and repetition frequency i = 1 hz was used to bombard a highly pure solid hexagonal bn ( h - bn ) target ( 96 % ) , with diameter of 2cm . in a vacuum chamber , boron nitride ( bn ) film was deposited on the single - crystal silicon substrate 利用高能脉冲激光(波长= 532nm ,频率= 1赫兹,脉宽= 10纳秒)在常温下轰击烧结的高纯六方氮化硼( h - bn )靶,在真空反应室中将bn薄膜沉积在单晶硅基底上。